"The government is us, we are the government, you and I." Teddy Roosevelt


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We are not a front organization for anyone. We are the People.

I have seen some postings on  regarding civic associations and our recently created organization, the Nassau Civic Association, Inc. While I would agree that having close relationships with politicians can be problematic, there must be some relationship in order to change what is wrong with our government.

We stand for open, honest and moral government. To achieve this, we must supplant apathy with involvement, replace false promises with accountability and encourage statesman, stateswomen to run instead of politicians.

"The power to tax is the power to destroy", John Marshal, U.S. Supreme Court. Have we brought our own pending destruction by failing to ensure common sense in government accountability? I know there is blame to go around for certain political parties, however the buck stops with each and every political leader regardless of party. Did your county or town politician vote to support you, the taxpayer? Were reasonable spending cuts enacted? Are your taxes too high? If you had enough, vote accordingly.

Our organization stands for initiative, referendum and recall. We have seen that when the politicians stray from common sense, the initiate and referendum will correct their pandering to special interests over the people's interests. Recall has recently proven to be a very effective corrective tool for the political arrogance of our leaders. Why have terms limits that would also indiscriminately remove even the statesmen and women?

We stand for charter revision which is similar to initiative and referendum. You would be surprised to find the diverse political support that this idea garners. It is common sense to have taxes to pay for services, however what level of services do the residents of Nassau County receive and what is really required? Do our public servants serve at the pleasure of the people or as Mario Cuomo once stated, "I am the Shepard and the people are my flock". Is this the government we deserve or the government you get when you don't want to get involved.

We stand for preservation of our natural resources in line with Teddy Roosevelt. How much more open space is left in Nassau County? Do we just keep developing until we become a Queens county?

We would like anyone and everyone who wants to get involved to participate as ambassadors for the people. To attend local meetings and report their findings to our members so the people can be informed. Remember the old slogan, "Do you know where your children are? Well it should now be, "Do you know where your tax dollars are going?

Why do politicians pass unpopular laws, budgets, etc? It's because of special interests, pressure groups that get involved with campaign contributions, gifts, jobs, etc. You can exert that influence by informed voting and involvement. Sometimes one strategic letter will make a difference or your appearance at a meeting.