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November 16, 2015

The Ideology of Destruction 

Obama refuses to fight ISIS

On the same day declaring that ISIS was "contained", France was struck by an act of war unparrelled since World War Two.  With 128 dead and hundreds more seriously wounded, the grim reality of radical Islam cannot be denied. The ideology of war can no longer be ignored by this administration which referred to the Islamic State as a junior varsity team. It is clear and without question that the marker left in Paris is part of the broad war being waged by barbarians that will eventually lead to U.S. soil. How can anyone deny this reality?

The primary job and most fundamental constitutional responsibility of the President is to protect the American people. Yet he created the Syrian mess by failing to engage the enemy, downplayed their significance and continues to act in a delusional manner by refusing to take any substantial action. Pin prick bombing in of itself is not a strategy. Where is the coalition of nations? What is the specific plan? What are the details?

His plan to date has been to cut the military to some of the lowest levels since World War Two. He has engaged in the most far reaching social experimentation by changing the face of the military with the distraction of sexual proclivity, gender confusion and pushing women into combat arms. He pulled American troops out of Iraq and created a vacuum that connected all of his failures in the middle east such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, and to a lesser extent Egypt and Afghanistan both of whom have prevailed by their own leadership. President Obama has insisted on signing an executive agreement with Iran even though they publically repudiate parts of the agreement and recently launched a missile in violation of an international treaty. 

He is complicate in the slaughter and genocide of Christians in the middle east by doing nothing. He has refused to even discuss it. He has refused to acknowledge or even utter the words, "Radical Islam". He now wants to flood America with Syrian refugees without being able to properly vet them even though one of these refugees was linked to the Paris attacks. He even had the gall to liken  the opposition to accepting refugees to the use of a "religious test". The reference comes from the constitution and does not apply to the admission of  anyone seeking to immigrate to America. The former constitutional scholar is well aware of the difference. 

This President is hostile to the first amendment, is disdainful of Christians and has no regard for the constitution. His blind radical agenda is his bible and his methodology is any means necessary. Why would any rational person refuse to protect his own citizens? How can anyone ignore genocide against Christians? His actions can only be described as evil. 

The American People must demand action through their representatives in Congress. While the significance of politics can be debated, the lives of our children and families cannot. The President must act or he needs to resign